선잡담 선잡담
준이는 정말 앉아서 밥을 먹이기 힘든 아이였다. 입이 짧아서 좋아하는 음식도 별로 없고, 먹으려는 의지도 별로 없기 때문에 식탁에서 도망치기 일쑤.. 삼시세끼를 먹이는 게 너무 피곤해서 결국 태블릿이라는 달콤한 유혹에 빠지고 말았다. 유튜브를 켜고 멍한 얼굴에 밥을 밀어넣는 걸 1년 넘게 하는 동안 적어도 영상은 골라서 보여주려고 했는데.. 아이가 자라면서 손가락을 얼마나 자유자재로 쓰는지(?!) 추천 영상에 나오는 이상한 영상을 모두 누르기 시작했다. 처음 보여주기 시작한 것은 영어 입문용 영상으로 유명한 슈퍼심플송이었는데, 점점 모든 채널의 wheelson the bus 영상을 보기 시작했고, 핑크퐁과 타요를 지나 어느 순간 자동차 장난감을 개봉해 굴리고 던져서 부딪히게 하는 영상을 보기 시작했다. 이러면 안 되겠다는 생각에 알아본 것이 유튜브 키즈였는데, 이는 나이를 설정해두면 나이에 맞는 영상을 추천해주기도 하고, 심지어 부모님이 설정해놓은 영상만 리스트에 오르게 할 수도 있기 때문에 무한히 이어지는 추천 영상의 굴레에서 벗어날 수 있었다. 물론 세돌이 지난 지금은 자유자재로 유튜브 키즈를 끄고 일반 유튜브를 켤 수도 있지만 ㅋㅋㅋ 유튜브 키즈에 있는 영상을 좋아해서 보통은 잘 보고 있다. 어린이집에 간 뒤 식습관이 문제가 됐고, 얼마간의 말다툼 끝에 밥을 먹을 때는 밥을 먹는 것으로 습관을 바꾸다 보니 요즘은 어린 둘째 아들을 재워야 할 때 30분 정도씩 보여주지만 그래도 잉글리시에 그 영상이나 플레이벨 읽기 DVD 같은 다른 매체와 시간을 나눠 먹다 보니 유튜브를 보는 시간은 많이 줄었다. 유튜브 키즈 영상 제한 설정 준이는 정말 앉아서 밥을 먹이기 힘든 아이였다. 입이 짧아서 좋아하는 음식도 별로 없고, 먹으려는 의지도 별로 없기 때문에 식탁에서 도망치기 일쑤.. 삼시세끼를 먹이는 게 너무 피곤해서 결국 태블릿이라는 달콤한 유혹에 빠지고 말았다. 유튜브를 켜고 멍한 얼굴에 밥을 밀어넣는 걸 1년 넘게 하는 동안 적어도 영상은 골라서 보여주려고 했는데.. 아이가 자라면서 손가락을 얼마나 자유자재로 쓰는지(?!) 추천 영상에 나오는 이상한 영상을 모두 누르기 시작했다. 처음 보여주기 시작한 것은 영어 입문용 영상으로 유명한 슈퍼심플송이었는데, 점점 모든 채널의 wheelson the bus 영상을 보기 시작했고, 핑크퐁과 타요를 지나 어느 순간 자동차 장난감을 개봉해 굴리고 던져서 부딪히게 하는 영상을 보기 시작했다. 이러면 안 되겠다는 생각에 알아본 것이 유튜브 키즈였는데, 이는 나이를 설정해두면 나이에 맞는 영상을 추천해주기도 하고, 심지어 부모님이 설정해놓은 영상만 리스트에 오르게 할 수도 있기 때문에 무한히 이어지는 추천 영상의 굴레에서 벗어날 수 있었다. 물론 세돌이 지난 지금은 자유자재로 유튜브 키즈를 끄고 일반 유튜브를 켤 수도 있지만 ㅋㅋㅋ 유튜브 키즈에 있는 영상을 좋아해서 보통은 잘 보고 있다. 어린이집에 간 뒤 식습관이 문제가 됐고, 얼마간의 말다툼 끝에 밥을 먹을 때는 밥을 먹는 것으로 습관을 바꾸다 보니 요즘은 어린 둘째 아들을 재워야 할 때 30분 정도씩 보여주지만 그래도 잉글리시에 그 영상이나 플레이벨 읽기 DVD 같은 다른 매체와 시간을 나눠 먹다 보니 유튜브를 보는 시간은 많이 줄었다. 유튜브 키즈 영상 제한 설정
유튜브 키즈를 깔고 오른쪽 아래 잠금을 눌러보면 유튜브 키즈를 깔고 오른쪽 아래 잠금을 눌러보면
간단한 보호자 인증이 나오고 간단한 보호자 인증이 나오고
설정을 눌러 주다 설정을 눌러 주다
아이 프로필을 누르면 콘텐츠 설정이 나오는데 승인된 콘텐츠만 보여주는 것으로 바꾼 뒤 동영상 추가를 눌러 채널이나 동영상을 추가하면 된다. 1세~3세 생일을 자주 본 동영상 추천 아이 프로필을 누르면 콘텐츠 설정이 나오는데 승인된 콘텐츠만 보여주는 것으로 바꾼 뒤 동영상 추가를 눌러 채널이나 동영상을 추가하면 된다. 1세~3세 생일을 자주 본 동영상 추천
베이비 밤 베이비 밤
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I watched it a lot in the early days when you showed me YouTube. I often watched many songs where the bus comes out because the song is slow. It’s Huff Cocomelon I watched it a lot in the early days when you showed me YouTube. I often watched many songs where the bus comes out because the song is slow. It’s Huff Cocomelon
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Similarly, there are many bus songs, slow, and relatively uninspiring images. I’ve been watching it for a while. Like super simple songs, there are many bus songs, slow, and relatively uninspiring images. I’ve been watching it for a while. super simple songs
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입력 언어를 확인해 주세요.
A representative figure in the introductory English video world. There are also many videos related to basic words such as various nursery rhymes, colors, and figures. Many people who don’t want to fall in love with YouTube snoring buy DVDs. mother goose club playhouse representative of the introductory world of English video. There are also many videos related to basic words such as various nursery rhymes, colors, and figures. Many people who don’t want to fall in love with YouTube snoring buy DVDs. mother goose club playhouse
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I’ve only seen a few of them.. I thought it would be better to listen to people come out and sing songs than just animation videos, so I pressed them a lot and played them anyway. Bounce patrol I’ve only seen a few.. I thought it would be better to listen to people come out and sing songs than just animation videos, so I pressed them a lot and played them anyway. bounce patrol
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It’s the same.. I thought it would be better to sing it while showing the rhythm and expression that matches the lyrics. I’ve seen a lot of fun. Super jojo. It’s the same.. I thought it would be better to sing it while showing the rhythm and expression that matches the lyrics. I’ve seen a lot of fun. Super jojo
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Jun has been added in both English and Korean versions. I look closely at both versions and expect them to have a twin book effect, but they didn’t add it for me, but they only put in English after moving to YouTube Kids, and sometimes they turned off YouTube Kids and ran away on YouTube, so they put in Korean. Little angel jun has been added in both English and Korean versions. I look closely at both versions and expect them to have a twin book effect, but they didn’t add it for me, but they only put in English after moving to YouTube Kids, and sometimes they turned off YouTube Kids and ran away on YouTube, so they put in Korean. little angel
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Like the superjo above, I started to read it in English, but now I’m focusing on Korean. There are many songs that have been converted from the song of Nursery rhyme to the lyrics related to lifestyle. Just because you watch a lot of videos about your lifestyle doesn’t mean you’ll get rid of your bad habits, and I’d rather not do it! I got used to it like a demon and imitated it.. It doesn’t seem bad to put the expression “I don’t want to do it” straight. Numberblocks & alpahblocks Like the superjo above, I started watching it in English, but now I’ve moved to Korean, so I’ve been focusing on Korean. There are many songs that have been converted from the song of Nursery rhyme to the lyrics related to lifestyle. Just because you watch a lot of videos about your lifestyle doesn’t mean you’ll get rid of your bad habits, and I’d rather not do it! I got used to it like a demon and imitated it.. It doesn’t seem bad to put the expression “I don’t want to do it” straight. numberblocks & alpahblocks
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Jun likes numbers so much that he likes number blocks the most these days, so he watches them a lot. I want to listen to English together, but it’s a shame that the sound is especially low compared to other videos Recently, there are many places that are often used with Maslink Cube, and many people buy them on DVD, and there are apps. blippi Jun likes numbers so much that I like number blocks the most these days, so I’ve been watching them a lot. I want to listen to English together, but it’s a shame that the sound is especially low compared to other videos Recently, there are many places that are often used with Maslink Cube, and many people buy them on DVD, and there are apps. blippi
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Many people recommended it to recommend interesting English videos, but Jun’s response was not so good. I didn’t watch videos of people playing. I watched them often. I watched them often. I watched them often. I didn’t watch videos of people playing like Train Song
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I had expected the name of the characters to be sold by the representative characters since Kikimyo, but it was still from China.. Anyway, Jun is going to take it off his subscription list. There are many videos that appear on YouTube as well as on DVDs such as Pepper Pig, Kaiyu, Octonut, Max & Ruby. 까I buy Kaiyu on DVD and have it, but I can’t see it well either.. To some extent, it seems that it is a stage where you have to get used to basic words and sentences. Summary: I had expected the name of the character to be sold by the representative character since Kikimyo, but it was from China.. Anyway, Jun is going to take it off his subscription list. There are many videos that appear on YouTube as well as on DVDs such as Pepper Pig, Kaiyu, Octonut, Max & Ruby. 까I buy Kaiyu on DVD and have it, but I can’t see it well either.. I think it’s a stage where you have to get used to basic words and sentences to some extent
Usually, experts say they oppose video exposure before Sedol. The other day, Dr. Oh Eun-young also said that exposure to images before Dudol from Geumjok could affect ADHD.. But my mom has to decide how much compromise to make in real-life parenting and which one to prioritize.. Anyway, if you choose after considering exposing the video, don’t regret it too much. Usually, experts say they oppose video exposure before Sedol. The other day, Dr. Oh Eun-young also said that exposure to images before Dudol from Geumjok could affect ADHD.. But my mom has to decide how much compromise to make in real-life parenting and which one to prioritize.. Anyway, if you choose after considering exposing the video, don’t regret it too much.